
CODEFRONT's mission is to efficiently manage the Colombia Border Port and its facilities to facilitate international trade for users across the northern border of Nuevo León, promote its comprehensive and orderly development to fulfill its purpose; in addition to managing and administering the application of resources and financing for the execution of strategic projects in the area, such as land communications; and to operate those authorizations, permits, and allocations granted by the Federal Government to the State Government.


We aim to be the main support instrument of the State of Nuevo León for the development of its border area, through the intensive utilization of productive resources, environmental care and with this achieve the comprehensive development of the Colombia Border Port and its population center. To this end, we have trained and committed personnel, as well as tools that support its operation at a world-class level of excellence in Supply Chain Security.

Security Policy

At CODEFRONT, we are committed to providing the best service and security to our users of the Colombia Bridge, business partners, and the community, supported by a Security Management System that allows us to detect, prevent, and mitigate risks; maintaining transparent management in all processes of the Corporation, complying with current and applicable legislation, collaborating with Authorities, always striving to exceed our clients' expectations and oriented towards continuous improvement.

Finance and Budget

In this link, you can find the financial documents of CODEFRONT.

Learn more about us at: https://www.nl.gob.mx/codefront